Meet the Event Planning Committee

Ben Smith


This man dedicates a huge portion of his time to our club, is both the NCHTA Treasurer and coordinator of practically everything related to cross country.  Ben spends weeks on the course before each event, building jumps, preparing the course, and directing a crew of eager volunteers. Events would not be possible without Ben.


Lauren McIntosh

Lauren coordinates the showjumping phase at our events.  She is also a member of the Secretary Tent Crew and often fills in for Kate. She is also known for being particularly talented at recruiting volunteers for our events.



Felicity Moran

Felicity is our secretary for NCHTA and complies wonderful minutes of our meetings.  She is also fantastic at coordinating working bees, catering, stocking up on supplies, and recruiting volunteers.  She is always there to help with paintbrush or shovel in hand.


Liz McRoberts

Lizzy never fails to be first person to start packing away dressage arenas and show jumps at the end of the day.  She is usually a floating helper and has also been a sponsor recruiter in the past. (photo by Jai Ingram Photography)


Kate MacKenzie

Kate Astro

Kate plays two *cough* (many) roles. She is the NCHTA President and the Event Secretary. She is the person you have most likely spoken to if you wanted to squeeze in a late entry, couldn’t find your yard, needed to scratch, tried to get into a full clinic, etc, etc!  She is a busy lady, contributing endless hours towards the running of our club, clinics and events.

Alysum, Katy and Tori Doak


If it is something related to dressage or dressage judges, Alysum is the person to talk to.  She also coordinates much of the official catering, and can usually be found helping in the Secretary tent at our events.

John Fitzgerald


John will be there to cook the jump judge breakfast on the Sunday morning of an event. He also spends hours harrowing the arenas, and is the man to call for all kinds of odd jobs like fixing motorbikes!

Derek Pether

Derek is our past NCHTA President, and now our Vice President. He is dedicated to co-coordinating the committee members and improving the running of our events.  You will often find him in the water truck at the events. More recently he has also become involved with recruiting sponsors & running the PA system.


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